Are your habits today leading you toward your dreams for tomorrow?”
This quote hung outside of the high school classroom that I subbed in the last 2 days. And it really struck home!
If you’re like me, you probably have some bad habits and some good ones in your life. The question is which ones are leading you toward and away from your dreams and God-given purpose?
Currently when I see the word habits my first thought is Facebook … it’s such a bad habit for me!
I sit down to do something productive on the computer and the next thing I know my time is gone and I’ve done nothing but scroll through Facebook … and typically become irritated in the process. My fingers have an automatic path traced on my phone to login to Facebook … and sometimes I’m not even sure why I feel such a need to check in.
Can you relate?
I’ve got a post in the draft form of how to clean up your Newsfeed … which helps a lot with Facebook … however the constant bad habit of feeling the need to check in on what’s going on every 5 seconds is still a trouble spot for me.
So for now I thought I’d take a few moments to encourage you to take a few moments to think about your habits and where they are leading you. I’m doing the same and really trying to take some time to ask God for wisdom on to change some of my habits to follow the path His laying for me. (So if you don’t see me much on Facebook you’ll know why )
Be blessed,
The post Habits? Good or Bad – where are they leading you? appeared first on Wisdom Seeking Mommy.